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  • Family Sports Day

    Published 10/07/24
    On 13th June our pupils enjoyed taking part in this year's family sports day. We would just like to say a big thank you to all families who supported us this year on our Family Sports Day. All the pupils had an amazing time taking part in vari
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  • 6th Form Prom

    Published 08/07/24

    All pupils in 6th form, who were able, attended the prom.  There was lots of music and dancing and plenty of treats to go round for all.  Students looked amazing, brought their best smiles and dancing shoes for the special occasion!



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  • Planetarium visit

    Published 02/05/24

    The upper primary topic for this half term is 'To Infinity and Beyond', so to really immerse them in their topic, they had an exciting visit from a mobile planetarium. Pupils spent time in the planetarium learning about space and asked lots of brilliant questions, like' How do astronauts wash or brush their teeth in space?' 

    All the upper primary classes loved the visit, and the staff were so proud of how engaged in the learning all the pupils were. 

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  • Parent and Carers Makaton Workshop

    Published 27/03/24

    We now have 11 parents/carers trained to level 1 Makaton. Well done and congratulations to all who took part and achieved their certificates.

    Due to positive feedback, we are going to progress now to an accredited certificate in Makaton Level 2.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 11/03/24

    On Thursday 7th March our pupils enjoyed taking part in World Book Day. 

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  • National Story Telling Week

    Published 07/02/24

    During national story telling week on 29th January, pupils enjoyed sharing some of their favourite stories in their classes.

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  • Children In Need 2023

    Published 20/11/23

     On Friday 17th November we took part in raising money for Children In Need. We had a fabulous time with wet sponge throwing and with your incredible help and support we raised £269.71. 

    Thank you for your support and contributions, NRCS.


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  • Mcmillan Coffee Morning

    Published 29/09/23

    Today we hosted a McMillian Coffee morning, raising £429.77 for cancer support. With the support of our Post 16 pupils who supported in selling raffle tickets. We would like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who contributed cakes and donations and who came to support us! 

    Thank you 

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