Financial Information
Nexus Multi Academy Trust Annual Accounts
Nexus Multi Academy Trust is required to publish its annual accounts. Please see below the latest accounts information.
NEXUS Annual Reports & Financial Statements can be found by clicking here.
North Ridge Community School Financial Benchmarking information can be found here
Trade Union Facility Time information can be found by clicking here.
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2022-2023
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2021-2022
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2020-2021
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2019-2020
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2018-2019
- Trade Union Facility Time Totals for the Period 2017-2018
Modern Slavery Policy Statement can be found by clicking here.