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Remote Learning

At North Ridge Community School, we personalise the curriculum to the needs of our children. We will do the same with home-learning. Our expectations will be dependent on age and each child's individual Special Educational Needs. Many of our pupils need high levels of adult support to engage successfully with home-learning. We will work with parents/carers, so that our pupils can successfully access home-learning. We would like all pupils to engage in home-learning to the best of their ability, and it would be great if parents/carers could support their child to access activities.  Some ways to get involved are:

  • Join in with activities like reading together, or any creative or practical activities.
  • Provide your child with a dedicated work space
  • Aim for a consistent routine and structure for the day, for example, breakfast and lunch at the same time as a usual school day.  With this said, please don’t worry about maintaining a rigid structure if it isn't working for you or your child.
  • Completing household tasks together (like preparing a meal, washing the pots or loading the washing machine to name a few household tasks) – these will all help to develop your child’s independent skills.